Get Your Perfect Marketing Assistant — Let's Talk!

You’re one call away from transforming your marketing operations. Speak to a Rekruuto advisor today!

Why Rekruuto Marketing Assistants?

  • Vetted and Trained Marketing Assistants From the Philippines
  • Affordable Rates Starting at $8/Hour
  • Flexibility to Work in Your Time Zone
  • Fluent English Communication
  • No Long-Term Commitments—Month-to-Month Contracts

Book a Call with a Rekruuto Advisor Now


Our 5-Step Process to Your Ideal Marketing Assistant

Tailored Search

We kick off by gathering all your specific needs for tasks and tools to find candidates that align with your business.Schedule a meeting with us so we can learn more about you and share how we can help

Initial Screening

Out of 30 applicants, typically only one makes it through our experienced recruiters' strict interviews, ensuring you get the best.

Operational Vetting

The selected few face our operations team and perform sample tasks. We also conduct essential identity checks for reliability.

Meet Your VA

You'll receive up to 3 top candidates, complete with custom videos to gauge their communication skills, so you can pick the best fit.

Onboarding & Support

Opt for a 1-week trial and enjoy ongoing support. We start with daily or weekly check-ins and transition to monthly reviews after 90 days.

Ready to Transform Your Marketing?

The power to scale your marketing without the hassles of hiring lies within a quick call with our experienced advisors. We’ll walk you through how we can customize solutions for your business.

Let's Get Started!

Book a Call with a Rekruuto Advisor Now


 Frequently Asked Questions